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Interested in Serving on a Board or Commission?

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The City of Idaho Springs has several vacancies on its City Council-appointed boards and commissions. The City is seeking individuals who are interested in serving on the Planning Commission, Variance Board, and Historic Preservation Review Commission (HPRC).  The Planning Commission is a recommending body to the City Council that reviews and revises the Comprehensive Plan, reviews subdivision requests, recommends annexations and final development plans for new developments, and amends the zoning map.  The Variance Board decides on requests for variances to the Zoning Code and on appeals to staff interpretations of the adopted codes.  The HPRC decides on requests to conduct work on a historic structure for the purpose of determining if the proposed work is historically appropriate.  Members of the HPRC are not required to live in Idaho Springs but are required to be knowledgeable in history or architecture.  Members of the Planning Commission and Variance Board are required to be residents of the City.  Please submit your letter of interest to Deputy City Clerk Wonder Martell by 5:00 P.M. February 14, 2024 at City Hall, 1711 Miner St., PO BOX 907, Idaho Springs, CO 80452 or via email at If you have any questions on the various boards, please call (303) 567-4421 and ask to speak to the City Planner.