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Notice of Election

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Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, the City of Idaho Springs, Colorado, will participate in a coordinated mail ballot election with Clear Creek County, at which election the following question will be voted upon:

Ballot Question No. 2A

Without affecting the current term of the City Clerk, shall the position of City Clerk be changed to be hired (appointed) by the City Council rather than elected?

Yes_____     No_____

Voting will take place by mail ballot, with ballots to be mailed by the Clear Creek County Clerk to all registered electors. Voters may apply for and obtain mail-in ballots, including replacement ballots, from the Clear Creek County Clerk and Recorder.

Drop-off locations, dates and times are as follows:

Clear Creek County                                                  Idaho Springs City Hall

405 Argentine St.                                                     1711 Miner St.

Georgetown, CO 80444                                           Idaho Springs, CO 80452    

8:30 am - 4:30 pm M-F                                               

Published October 21, 2020 in the Clear Creek Courant

By: Diane Breece, City Clerk